Virtual Basketball Tournaments
Compete From Home!
PSB’s Virtual Basketball Tournaments allow players to compete from home with others around the country. Each tournament is a different basketball competition or drill. Players compete in bracket-style tournaments. Winners are crowned and prizes are given!
So how does it work? See our FAQ’s below!
A virtual tournament is a zoom-based shooting event in which players compete against players from other parts of the country.
The bracket link will be located in your REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION email so please do not disregard this email. A text message reminder will be sent out the day before the event when the brackets are complete.
Times reflected in bracket are eastern times. Please know what that means based on your timezone.
The cutoff is 8am the DAY BEFORE the event.
You can reach out to the tournament director, and, if they are able, they will try to slot you into another first-round matchup. There are no guarantees, however. Any game missed after the first round will not be possible to make-up or to be placed in another game. Tournament Director’s contact info can be found in the top left corner of your bracket.
A basketball, a basketball goal, reliable cell or wifi to stream while outside, phone or tablet to video via zoom, a great attitude, and a competitive spirit.
We do not offer refunds due to inclement weather so please double check your weather forecast for the specific day of the event before registering.
Like aged players based on your bracket from across the country and possibly, world.