Today, Pro Skills Basketball is excited to announce that any of our 200+ employees may choose to be paid in bitcoin!
Wait, what? How is the possible?
Very easily actually – through Strike, the world’s leading digital wallet that allows users to send and receive money anywhere in the world through the Bitcoin Lightning Network.
Strike’s new “Pay Me In Bitcoin” platform allows anyone to automatically convert any percentage of their paycheck from dollars to bitcoin with no fees.
To be perfectly clear though, PSB employees do not actually need our permission to get paid in bitcoin and PSB is not actually sending bitcoin to employees. This is also not financial advice. PSB is simply making our employees aware of the option to use Strike to get paid in bitcoin.
So why are we doing this?

Over the past year or so, a handful of pro athletes like the Panthers’ Russell Okung and the Giants Saquon Barkley announced that they were going to start getting “paid in bitcoin” (see Saquon’s announcement below). How were they going to do this? Through Strike, but at the time, the “Pay Me In Bitcoin” functionality was not yet available to the public … but now it is!
Also, more recently on the basketball side, there have been a handful of crypto-related deals, such as FTX purchasing naming rights for the Miami Heat arena, partnering with Stephen Curry, and signing an NIL deal with Kentucky basketball as well the NBA as a league signing a deal with Coinbase.
However, the founder of Strike, Jack Mallers, described the “why” best in his post announcing Stike’s “Pay Me In Bitcoin”:
“Pay Me In Bitcoin allows anyone to convert a portion of their income into bitcoin with no fees, allowing them easy access to save and grow wealth, empowering them economically, and enhancing the quality of their life.”
In the article, Jack goes much more in-depth on the what, why, and how of “Pay Me In Bitcoin”, including the problem of saving in dollars today, the properties of money, why bitcoin is the ultimate store of value, and finally easy instructions on how to set up “Pay Me In Bitcoin”.
Furthermore, Jack goes on to state:
“Let’s be clear, this isn’t a pitch to go all-in on bitcoin. This isn’t advocating you to push your chips to the center of the table. This is taking your income and taking the money that you plan to save and allowing you to save it in a way that can outpace inflation and the increase in the cost of living.
Because of the efficiencies bitcoin has achieved as money, everyone now has access to increasing their quality of life, because everyone now has access to getting paid and saving in the best money of all time.”
You can read the entire article here.
At Pro Skills Basketball, our mission is to change the culture of youth basketball, and this starts with our coaches. We want to positively impact our coaches’ lives, and one small way to do this is to make our employees aware of the option to get paid in bitcoin using Strike’s amazing new “Pay Me In Bitcoin” platform!
If you’d like to sign up for Strike, you can sign up here and get $5 when you create an account!
To learn more about bitcoin, check out our “Bitcoin and Basketball Series” on our podcast, The Youth Hoops Pod!
- Episode 1 – Bitcoin & Basketball w/ Lee Branscome
- Episode 2 – What is bitcoin?
- Episode 3 – NBA x Coinbase? A Bitcoin ETF?
- Episode 4 – A Nigerian Basketball Player’s Perspective on Bitcoin w/ Andrew Lovedale
Check out our latest “Bitcoin & Basketball” episode about this announcement below!
PSB “Pay Me In Bitcoin” Option For Staff! Plus, Why Bitcoin?