Becoming a great shooter is a task that requires hours and hours of time. It is something that can only be gained through real, hard work. There is no magic button, you simply have to show up to the gym daily with the focus on improving. This is something all great shooters share, the love of being in the gym, getting shots up, and getting better day by day.
Beyond the physical work that is required daily, we have identified 4 Traits That Make A Great Shooter.
1) Consistency
When we say Consistency, we mean more than just being consistent in your mechanics. Great shooters are consistent in everything they do, they are consistent in their approach to the game.
Great shooters are known to be the first in the gym and the last to leave. They are consistent in their work. They are consistent in getting shots up.
Not only are they consistent in their individual work, they are consistent in practice. Always bringing great energy on both ends of the floor. Being a great shooter goes hand in hand with being a great teammate. Why? Because great shooters often need their teammates to truly set them up to get quality shot attempts.
If you want to be a great shooter, you must be consistent. Your teammates have to know you are consistently going to bring energy and be open in the spots you are expected to be in on the floor. Your coaches are expecting you to play hard, not turn the ball over, and space the floor… consistently.
2) Confidence
This may be the most important trait of the four. Take this for example, Stephen Curry is the greatest shooter of all time, it is indisputable. His career 3-point percentage is 43%. This means that he has missed more shots than he has made and he is considered the greatest shooter of all time.
What does this tell us?
Good shooters are confident when shots are going in, it is easy. Great shooters stay confident even when the shots do not go in. Being a great shooter is more about your mentality after a miss than after a make.
The term “short memory” is said a lot when talking about a shooters mentality. Players must understand that shooting 40% from beyond the arc is a great percentage but it means you’re on average going 4-10 from the three point line. How are you responding to those 6 misses in a game. Do you have the confidence that the next one is still going in?
3) Rhythm
A shooter’s rhythm is key to making shots on a consistent basis. A shooters Rhythm encompasses the entire physical process behind the shot.
This physical process begins with the feet. In order to consistently knock down shots, you must be able to get your feet set properly. Having the ability to have your feet set under your body whether you are coming off of a screen or shooting off of a dribble move.
The next process of rhythm is how you catch the ball and where your hand placement is. One of the most common tendencies amongst great shooters is that they get their shooting hand under the basketball. When you get your shooting hand under the ball it will allow you to get the lift and arc in your shot.
The final part of the physical process is the followthrough. If you get your feet set, position your hand correctly, you want to finish with a solid followthrough. One of the best tips is to check if your shooting elbow is above your eyes when you followthrough. The goal is to have a high followthrough, that comes from having the ball under your hand.
4) Be A Hunter
If you are Consistent in how you approach the game you will build Rhythm that will eventually lead to Confidence. When you do all of these things, the final step is to step on the court and Be A Hunter.
This means that you are always ready to shoot. A shooters role is to stretch the floor and be a threat to the defense. As a shooter if you are catching the ball and not ready to shoot, the defense has more time to recover and get set. When you are ready to shoot, and you are looking to score, defenses have to respect you and step out to guard you deep. This is how you stretch the floor.
Great shooters are always ready for their shot and are always hunting their shot. If a shooter puts in the work required to be great then they step onto the floor with a certain level of confidence. As a result of this confidence, great shooters are always looking to shoot the basketball.
Becoming a great shooter is a difficult task. It takes thousands of hours of practice and an enormous amount of discipline. If a shooter Consistently works on their shot and Rhythm then it will lead to a high level of Confidence that allows those great shooters to Be A Hunter on the court.
Check out these free shooting drills on our YouTube channel!